My ID is Gangnam Beauty vs True Beauty – A Head-to-Head Review

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Popular actor Cha Eun-woo (A Good Day to Be a Dog) is known for two hit dramas, My ID is Gangnam Beauty and True Beauty. Both shows focus on appearance and the effects this can have on a person’s life. What better way to delve into this subject than a My ID is Gangnam Beauty vs True Beauty head-to-head review?

In My ID is Gangnam Beauty, Im Soo-hyang is Kang Mi-rae, a girl insecure about her looks. Prior to starting college, Mi-rae receives significant cosmetic surgery.  During her first term, she meets Cha Eun-woo’s, Do Kyung-seok, a handsome, wealthy student she briefly attended middle school with.  Jo Woo-ri plays Hyun Soo-a, a natural beauty who dislikes the attention Mi-rae receives for her looks. As a result, she sets out to prevent Mi-rae from getting close to Kyung-seo.  Kwak Dong-yeon’s lovable college TA, Yeon Woo-young, takes in Kyung-seok as his roommate but also has a crush on Mi-rae.

True Beauty vs My ID is Gangnam Beauty - JTBC and tvN
Cha Eun-woo and Im Soo-hyang: JTBC
  • Series Title: My ID is Gangnam Beauty (MIiGB) (Korean: 내 아이디는 강남미인)
  • Starring: Im Soo-hyang, Cha Eun-woo, Jo Woo-ri, Kwak Dong-yeon
  • Written by: Choi Soo-young
  • Directed by: Choi Sung-bum
  • Network: JTBC
  • Where to watch in the US: Netflix
  • Year Released: 2018
  • # of episodes: 16
  • KafeNook Rating: 4.1 sips

Based on a webtoon of the same name, True Beauty is the story of highschooler Lim Ju-kyung played by Moon Ga-young.  Bullied for her looks at her former school, Ju-kyung turns to make-up to hide her complexion before starting at a new school.  She quickly makes friends with Kang Su-jin (Park Yoo-na) the smartest girl at the school.  Vying for Ju-kyung’s affections are the handsome and wealthy Lee Su-ho played by – you guessed it – Cha Eun-woo and his friend turned enemy, the rebel Han Seo-jun (Hwang In-youp).

True Beauty vs My ID is Gangnam Beauty - JTBC and tvN
Cha Eun-woo and Moon Ga-young: tvN
  • Series Title: True Beauty (TB) (Korean: 여신강림)
  • Starring: Moon Ga-young, Cha Eun-woo, Hwang In-youp, Park Yoo-na
  • Written by: Lee Si-eun
  • Directed by:  Kim Sang-hyeop
  • Network: tvN
  • Where to watch in the US: Viki
  • Year Released: 2020
  • # of episodes: 16
  • KafeNook Rating: 4.4 sips

My ID is Gangnam Beauty vs True Love — !! Spoilers Ahead!!

Pygmalion-like stories have always fascinated me.  As a child I watched my fair share of Disney princess movies, Miss America pageants, and movies like My Fair Lady. But there is one experience that sealed my love of transformation stories.  In the winter of 1976, my family stopped in New York City on our way to visit relatives and purchased tickets for the Christmas show at Radio City Music Hall.  Without a doubt, the Rockette’s toy soldier routine is something I will never forget and contributes to my happy memories of that experience. Afterwards, the curtains pulled back to reveal a giant screen where the movie The Slipper and the Rose began playing. 

The Slipper and the Rose: Cinema International Corporation
The Slipper and the Rose: Cinema International Corporation

The Slipper and the Rose is a musical Cinderella story starring Richard Chamberlain and Gemma Craven.   I loved watching Cinderella transform from a cellar girl into a beautiful court lady in this larger-than-life movie on a larger-than-life screen.  Throughout the years, I have enjoyed other movies like She’s All That and Miss Congeniality or the makeover show What Not to Wear. All artfully set the stage for the big reveal – the moment where someone – usually a woman – is transfigured.   The shows My Id is Gangnam Beauty and True Beauty take the Pygmalion story a step further and ask – what happens after the make-over?

After the Make-over: Mi-rea vs Ju-kyung

MIiGB: At the beginning of My ID is Gangnam Beauty, Kang Mi-rae has decided to have cosmetic surgery prior to starting college.  The drama never fully shows Mi-rae in her pre-surgery state.  It never sets up the reveal.  The reveal is not important in this drama.  It’s what comes afterwards.  It’s about Mi-rae’s mental and emotional transformation and the reactions of others to her and her decision.

As Mi-rea, Im Soo-hyang admirably portrays a girl who has dealt with rejection and ridicule due to her looks.  Surgery is not the cure all pill she hoped for.  Post surgery, she receives attention from others for her beauty but also distain for having cosmetic surgery.  Mi-rea’s body language and timid speech throughout the drama reveal the girl she was before her change in her appearance.  It’s not easy for her to come out of the cocoon she spent a lifetime building around herself.  What Mi-rea does excel in is school. She enjoys chemistry and dreams of working at a perfume company – the same one owned by Kyung-seok’s estranged mother.

Im Soo-hyang and Moon Ga-young - JTBC and tvN
Im Soo-hyang and Moon Ga-young: JTBC & tvN

TB: Lim Ju-kyung in True Beauty is bullied for her looks.  When the opportunity to go to a different school arises, Ju-kyung uses make-up to remake her looks.  Like Mi-rae, she deals with the new-found attention she receives from others.  At the same time, her fear that others will discover her secret, feeds her anxiety. 

Moon Ga-young brings Ju-kyung’s sparkling personality to life – helped along with clever animations. (Who wouldn’t want to be a computer game avatar in real life?).  With her make-up on, she is confident around others and can make friends.  It’s only with Su-hu that she feels comfortable to be around without her make-up.  Though not the best student, Ju-kyung works hard to turn her love and knowledge of make-up into a career as a profession make-up artist.  Her journey takes her from someone who fears others will learn her secret, to a person who looks confidently to her future.

Both Mi-rea and Ju-kyung believe their makeovers will change their lives for the better.  Neither anticipates the reaction of others to their appearance. Or, just how difficult it is to adjust their perception of themselves.   While each drama shows the female lead’s growth through struggle in a realistic way, ultimately, I found Ju-kyung more relatable.

Cha Eun-woo’s Do Kyung-seok vs Lee Su-ho

MIiGB: In My ID is Gangnam Beauty, Cha Eun-woo’s character Do Kyung-seok, is a bit like the cold and aloof Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice.  Kyung-seok grew up dealing with the attention he receives for his good looks. This makes him wary of other people who want to get close to him.  Like Mr. Darcy, he is also a remarkable judge of character. He quickly moves past a person’s looks to see what is underneath.  In middle school, he found himself sporting a rare smile while watching Mi-rae’s foot dancing antics.  When he sees her again in college, he doesn’t care what she looks like. He simply remembers that she made him smile.  Likewise, while others admire Soo-ah for her looks, Kyung-seok sees past her looks to her cruel personality. Kyung-seok’s primary struggle involves the mother who left when he was young and his road to reconnecting with her. 

Cha Eun-woo - JTBC and tvN
Cha Eun-woo: JTBC & tvN

TB: Lee Su-ho in True Beauty has similar problems with the attention his looks receive.  He also appreciates people for more than their looks and is drawn to Ju-kyung’s vibrant personality. Su-ho’s character is more layered than that of Kyung-seok.  He has interests in comic books and music.  He has a few friends and shows care and compassion to others.  Su-ho’s relationship with his father, the head of Move Entertainment, is strained.   Move is the company that represented his friend, Jung Se-yeon (SF9s Kang Chan-hee) who committed suicide.  Su-ho blames himself for not preventing his friend’s death.  This is compounded by his relationship with former friend Han Seo-jun, his rival for Ju-kyung’s affections. Seo-jun also blames Su-ho for Se-yeon’s death.

Cha Eun-woo’s character in Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung warmed my motherly heart. (Can I take him home and feed him soup?) As a result, I enjoyed watching these two dramas where he is the lead.  He hits all the notes needed for both characters, but I found Su-ho to be more well-rounded.  Su-ho is also closer to his performance as Prince Dowan from Rookie Historian – still my favorite Cha Eun-woo role.

Secondary Male Leads Han Seo-jun vs Yeon Woo-young

MIiGB: Kwak Dong-yeon (Gaus Electronics) is charming as Yeon Woo-young, the TA who feels an instant attraction to Mi-rae in My ID is Gangnam Beauty.  He is the grown-up of the chemistry crowd and somewhat of a neat freak.  (Where did he learn to fold shirts so well?)  Even though he suspects Kyung-seok also likes Mi-rea, he takes him in as his roommate.  He and Kyung-seok have some of the best interactions in the drama. Who can forget Kyung-seok brushing Woo-young’s teeth – knowing how much the latter cares about doing that before bed? Or the batting cage scene where Kyung-seok shows up Woo-young?  (Let’s be honest, Kwak Dong-yeon’s hitting form is perfect.) If Woo-young has a flaw, it’s that he is attracted to girls who match his “type”.  Mi-rae’s best friend, Oh Hyun-jung (Min Do-hee) is clearly into him and worth every bit of his attention.

Kwak Dong-yeon and Hwang In-youp - JTBC and tvN
Kwak Dong-yeon and Hwang In-youp: JTBC & tvN

TB: True Beauty’s love triangle involves former friends Su-ho and Han Seo-jun (Hwang In-youp) who both like Ju-kyung.  Seo-jun is labeled a bad boy, but he clearly has a heart of gold.  This boy cares for his sick mother and supports his little sister.  He doesn’t plan to fall for Ju-hyung, but once does – he never sways.  His feelings for her bring out all the best sides of him.  Seo-jun is the one who steps in to help and protect her when Su-ho can’t.  He finds out who posted the bullying video and makes them take it down.  What’s more, even though he cares for Ju-hyung, he steps aside when it’s clear she likes Su-ho.  That doesn’t stop him from trying one last time with Joo-hyung when Su-ho goes to America!

Both My ID is Gangnam Beauty and True Beauty have charming secondary male leads who complicate the relationship of the main leads. But of the two, it’s Seo-jun who steals the spotlight.  His character growth is lovely to watch. This makes it even harder to see him sacrifice his own heart so the girl he loves can follow hers.

Secondary Female Leads Hyun Soo-ah vs Kang Soo-jin

MIiGB: Hyun Soo-ah (Park Yoo-na) may be beautiful on the outside in My ID is Gangnam Beauty but her difficult childhood has taught her that people respond favorably to her due to her looks.  As a result, she despises Mi-rae for obtaining good looks through surgery.   She fools almost everyone with her nice girl persona. Kyung-seok is the exception. Soo-ah tries to get close to him for the sole reason of keeping him away from Mi-rae.  Soo-ah’s actions are difficult to understand until her background is fully understood.  It’s not until Mi-rae saves her from harm that she finally realizes what a bad person she has become.

Jo Woo-ri and Jo Woo-ri - JTBC and tvN
Jo Woo-ri and Jo Woo-ri: JTBC & tvN

TB: Park Yoo-na plays characters in both My ID is Gangnam Beauty and True Beauty. It’s in the latter where she is the secondary female lead – friend turned enemy Kang Soo-jin to Ju-kyung.  Soo-jin is the first person to befriend Joo-kyung. She seems to be a good friend until she realizes that Ju-kyung and Su-ho have feelings for each other.  Soo-jin grew up with Su-ho but only recently realized that she likes him as more than a friend.  Like Soo-ha, Soo-jin does everything she can to break up Joo-kyung and Su-ho – destroying two friendships in the process.  Soo-jin has a controlling father which explains some of her actions, but she ends up hurting herself the most.  With time, she comes to see this and takes step to repair her friendships.

Soo-ah and Soo-jin each have interesting character arcs that lift them from the destructive path of their traumatic pasts and put them on a road to healing. It’s Soo-ah, however, from My ID is Gangnam Beauty who has the harder road. Ultimately, she experiences the greatest positive change in her life.

My ID is Gangnam Beauty vs True Beauty Endings

MIiGB: My ID is Gangnam Beauty comes to a somewhat predictable ending. The leads are together and have moved past tramas and family drama.  I do wish that Mi-rae and Kyung-seok would have gotten together earlier in the drama because they are less awkward with each other when they are finally a couple.  Soo-ah is on a path to redemption and Woo-young is still looking for his ideal girl.  (Seriously – what’s wrong with adorable Hyun-jung?)

True Beauty vs My ID is Gangnam Beauty
My ID is Gangnam Beauty: JTBC

TB: True Beauty pulls off enough suspense to keep the ending up in the air for a bit, especially with Su-ho in America.  This gives Seo-jun time and opportunity to get closer to Ju-kyung.  Nice guy that he is, Su-ho breaks up with Ju-kyung while he is away. He doesn’t want her waiting around for him.  Sadly for Seo-jun, Su-ho arrives back in South Korea right as Seo-jun gets the courage to ask Ju-kyung out. He realizes, however, her heart is still with Su-ho and tricks her into going after Su-ho to confess her feelings. Seo-jun debuts in a new Kpop group and will hopefully find a girl one day who is worthy of him.

Su-ho finally gets the credit he deserves for the song he wrote with Se-yeon. And – he decides to go to college to study music.  Ju-kyung realizes her dream of working in the make-up artist industry.  Most importantly, Su-ho and Ju-kyung are finally together.

True Beauty vs My ID is Gangnam Beauty
True Beauty: tvN

True Beauty and My ID is Gangnam Beauty are enjoyable Cha Eun-woo dramas to watch.  I give True Beauty higher marks for re-watchability in large part due to the love triangle and second male lead Seo-jun.  Is it too late for him to have his own show? Maybe in True Beauty Season 2?

Random Things I liked

MIiGB: Kyung-seok’s cute sister, Do Kyung-hee (Kim Ji-min) In My ID is Gangnam Beauty secretly runs an internet channel where people can watch her eat food.  It’s fun seeing how much she enjoys her food!

TB: In True Beauty, Ju-kyung’s sister Hee-kyung (Im Se-mi) is a force to be reconned with as she makes her moves on Ju-kyung’s teacher Han Joon-woo (Oh Eui-shik).  These two love birds have some of the funniest scenes in the drama.  I also like how she is the one to call out Move Entertainment when they try to attribute Su-ho and Se-yoen’s song to someone else.  And – she encourages Seo-jun to get back into his music career. 

Hwang In-youp and Moon Ga-young - tvN
Hwang In-youp and Moon Ga-young: tvN

Ju-kyung’s brother, Ju-young (Kim Min-gi) often teases Ju-kyung for the effort she puts into make-up. The he falls for Seo-jun’s younger sister who is also bullied for her looks.  Has she given him a chance by the end? I’m still not sure. I haven’t watched enough Kdramas yet to catch all of the movie and drama line references, but I did enjoy Ju-young acting out the motorcycle seen from Crash Landing on You.

My ID is Gangnam Beauty vs True Beauty Soundtracks

As far as soundtracks go for these two dramas, True Beauty by far has the better one.   It helps that several of the songs are part of the plot and come up multiple times. This includes I’m Missing You, sung by Sunjae and two songs from SF9’s Chani:  Starlight and How Do You Do.  Other songs worth mentioning are Fall in You (Ha Sungwoon) and the upbeat Before Today is Over (Hyonjun from ONF). 

Neither of these shows would be complete without a song sung by Cha Eun-woo.  I prefer Rainbow Falling from My ID is Gangnam Beauty over True Beauty’s Love So Fine but both feature Cha Eun-woo’s beautiful, smooth voice. (See all solo songs by Cha Eun-woo ranked.) I also love the vocals by Owl in No No from My ID is Gangnam Beauty.

My ID is Gangnam Beauty Rating:  4.1 sips

True Beauty Rating: 4.4 sips

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